Users code of conduct

1. Preamble

1.1. The Five Dock Leisure Centre (FDLC) Users' Code of Conduct applies to the conduct required of users of the FDLC facilities and services. Users are required to respect and comply with the conditions necessary to provide an appropriate environment for sport, recreation & leisure services.

1.2. Definitions

1.2.1. “Primary Investigation Officer" is the Centre Manager or his/her nominee
1.2.2. “environment” shall refer to the FDLC’s internal (all structures and fixtures within the building), external (all structures and fixtures on the outside of the building) and virtual environments.
1.2.3. “users” shall mean any person utilising the services and facilities provided by FDLC
1.2.4. “precincts” shall mean the physical (including attached car parks, Charles Heath Reserve, gardens, paths) and virtual FDLC
1.3. The Code was approved, as FDLC policy, by the management of the Centre, the City of Canada Bay Council on 25th May 2011.

2. Conditions of entry 

2.1. Any person within the FDLC precincts from time to time will, for the purposes of these conditions, be deemed a user.
2.2. It is a condition of entry to FDLC that users must:
2.2.1. Only use the facilities if they are a member, paying visitor or spectator;
2.2.2. Obey all signs and/or directions of FDLC staff;
2.2.3. Gain entry to the centre's health club via scanning their membership card, scanning a ticket received by the reception counter under their name or as directed by FDLC staff.
2.2.4. Not behave in a disorderly or disruptive manner or in a way that adversely impacts on other patrons.
2.3. FDLC reserves the right to refuse entry or remove from the premises any person not adhering to these conditions. Members behaving in breach of these conditions may have their membership suspended or revoked.
2.4. All users have a right to access the services and facilities of FDLC without undue distraction or disturbance.
2.5. The use of inappropriate language and behaviour is not acceptable and may result in the refusal of service.
2.6. No user shall deface, mutilate or destroy FDLC property: in addition to any penalty that may be imposed for such conduct, the person concerned shall be liable to pay for the full cost of repair or replacement of damaged property.
2.7. Members or casual users of FDLC may only be personally trained by authorised employees or contractors of FDLC.

3. Identification

3.1. Membership cards or identification must be carried during attendance at the centre and shown in response to any reasonable request from any member of staff who may require such identification in the course of their duties.
3.2. Appropriate identification must be produced on each visit for users to obtain member benefits. (e.g. concession visits)

4. Dress code

4.1. Users may not exercise with fully bare torsos inside the FDLC building. Fully covered nonmarking sports shoes are required when using indoor court surfaces.
4.2. Fully covered sports shoes are required when using the gymnasium and attending fitness classes.

5. Smoking, food and drink and other substances 

5.1. In accordance with centre policy, smoking is not permitted at FDLC – inclusive of any area inside FDLC, and entry and exits to the building..
5.2. Food and drink (i.e. water and sports drinks excepted) may not be consumed in the sports hall, gymnasium or health club
5.3. Glass bottles are not permitted in the centre.
5.4. Alcohol or drugs are not to be consumed on any parts of FDLC.
5.5. No substance which is liable to cause damage to FDLC property may be taken into FDLC; this includes flammable items.

6. Animals

6.1. Animals, with the exception of guide dogs for the visually and hearing impaired, are not permitted within FDLC.  FDLC Users' Code of Conduct
6.2. Authorised persons may take action to remove unauthorised animals from the centre by whatever means are necessary. An authorised person may request the owner of any dog to comply with this provision or may request the owner and the dog to leave the centre.

7. Use of moblile phones and cameras

7.1. Mobile phones and cameras are not permitted in FDLC change rooms.
7.2. Users may not photograph or film other patrons without being granted permission by FDLC management and by the patrons involved.
7.3. Commercial photography and filming must be authorised by FDLC management and can only be done by arrangement.
7.4. For the comfort and safety of all patrons, FDLC advises against the use of mobile phones whilst using the treadmills.

8. Personal belongings and hire equipment

8.1. Articles left at FDLC at closing time will be kept for a period of fourteen (14) days. Items not collected after fourteen (14) days will be donated to charity. FDLC accepts no responsibility for personal belongings left in the building.
8.2. FDLC provides temporary hire lockers for the safe storage of personal belongings. FDLC staff will not take users’ personal belongings into their possession for safe storage or in lieu of providing appropriate identification.
8.3. Users may not use bicycles, scooters, rollerblades or skateboards within the centre or on the stadium courts. Bike racks are provided at the entrance to the building for securing bicycles.
8.4. Users are responsible for all FDLC equipment hired/exchanged in their name until such time as the items are returned to FDLC and deleted from the loans register. Hirers will be charged the cost of replacing any item which is not returned.

9. Minimum age for facility use

9.1. The minimum age to the use the health club (weights, stretching, cardio and group fitness); is sixteen (16) years of age. (NSW Fitness Industry – ‘Kids in Gyms Guidelines’).
9.1.1. Persons under the age of sixteen may enter the health club if participating in a staff supervised structured activity designed specifically for this age group. i.e. a teen gym program.
9.2. The safety of children in the centre is a joint priority of parents and guardians. When visiting the centre parents/guardians must remain:
9.2.1. Within constant reach of children under five (5), and
9.2.2. Within constant visual contact of a child aged twelve (12) and under.
9.3. Guardians must be aged sixteen (16) or over to supervise children under the age of twelve (12).
9.4. Young people (13-18 years of age) may use the facilities at FDLC (excluding the health club) without supervision, provided their conduct is appropriate. Children under 13 years should not be left at FDLC unaccompanied.
9.5. Persons under the age of sixteen (16) are unable to accompany members into the health club for Occupational Health and Safety reasons. Exceptions are if they are being escorted by a member of staff.

10. Investigating misconduct

10.1. Any staff member of FDLC has delegated authority to require users to abide by the conditions of the Code of Conduct.
10.2. Any FDLC user, whether or not a member of the centre, shall produce identification on request from a member of FDLC staff. Member identity number, barcode number, or email address may be requested for access to online resources and services.
10.3. Failure to respect the conditions of the Code of Conduct will be referred to the Director, City Services & Assets,  and may lead to immediate suspension of access to FDLC and its services.
10.4. Serious infringement of the Code of Conduct, causing damage to property, disruption of FDLC processes and interference with the rights of other users or staff, may be defined as an act of misconduct. As such the management of the centre, under the Inclosed Lands Protection Act 1901, will require the individual to leave the centre. If an individual remains upon the inclosed lands after being requested by the management of the centre to leave the police will be called. The centre manager (or nominee), as the Primary Investigating Officer, is authorised to take action and apply penalties.

11. Revision of conditions

11.1. The  Director, City Services & Assets following review of the circumstances may revise and update the conditions for the use of the FDLC Users' Code of Conduct.

12. Publication of code and rules 

12.1. Copies of the FDLC Users' Code of Conduct are available in the FDLC foyer notice boards.
A copy of the FDLC Users' Code of Conduct is available on the FDLC website under the members section (