Gymnastics Timetable 2022

Gymnastics programs for 2022

Starting from 2021, FDLC gymnastics went through processes to enhance the quality of our recreational and competitive gymnastic programs. To achieve these quality improvements, we moved to a more developmentally-based training system. This means that our training programs became more closely aligned to each gymnast’s current skill and developmental level, with less emphasis on age-based segmentation.

Our school age recreational classes are no longer segmented by the age categories 5 to 7 years (foundations), and 8 to 13 years (stages). There are currently a wide range of gymnast skill levels within many of our classes. Under the new structure, and from the results of the assessment week, we will be better positioned to sub-group gymnasts according to their current skill and developmental level. We are also offering the option of additional class times, so gymnasts can progress to higher levels in recreational and competitive programs on a more gradual and systematic basis.

In addition to the enhancement of the class structure, our 2022 plan includes the development of a more structured approach to training programs, and increased training and professional development for our coaching team. This includes training in sports science topics, regular skill development workshops and on the job mentoring. If anyone is interested in becoming an accredited coach (via Gymnastics Australia coach education framework), with the opportunity to be provided on job training as a FDLC foundations coach, we would be pleased to hear from you. To express your interest please email

Assessment week

We will be doing a skills assessment for all gymnasts in the Foundations programs during their class time in weeks 9 and 10 of the gymnastics term (March 20 – April 2).
This will assist us to better align our training programs to each gymnast’s current skill and developmental level. We are aiming to communicate feedback on each gymnast’s progress shortly after the assessment week. It will also enable us to recommend changes to class times, if appropriate. Please feel free to discuss progress of your child with our recreational program leader, by emailing:



Recreational Gymnastics Timetable 2022



Competitive Gymnastics Timetable 2022